
Pokémon Go's community has won: 80-meter radius is now standard

The outcry from the Pokémon Go community regarding the return to the old interaction radii of PokéStops and arenas was loud and persistent - and impossible to ignore. Why fans of the pocket monsters would suddenly return to 40 meters from one of the interaction points in the game world of Pokémon Go was a mystery to them, and could not be justified by the efforts of the developers to thus bring players back to the door. Especially not at a time when the global pandemic is once again heading for a new high.

Interaction radius - what happened?

At the start of the Corona outbreak, the developers of Pokémon Go increased the interaction radius of PokéStops and arenas from 40 meters to 80 meters. This was to ensure that players did not cluster at hotspots, thus maintaining distances. In addition, the adjustment was also made to accommodate players who have been quarantined near PokéStops or arenas, or who have been at home due to curfews.

Then the creators of Pokémon Go decided to reduce the interaction radius back to 40 meters in the face of declining incidences worldwide; regionally and aligned with current pandemic restrictions in the respective location. Players should get back out the door and because of that, new exploration bonuses should be implemented on top of that. Pokémon Go's player base went berserk, to say the least. For them, the expanded interaction radius of PokéStops and arenas isn't just convenient, the safety factor also plays into it. The fans' lack of understanding clashed with developer requests that were not publicly communicated in a comprehensible way.

A victory for reason

Via Twitter, the developers of Pokémon Go now announce that the interaction radius remains at 80 meters worldwide and is the new standard. This was decided by the Niantic Task Force, which also plans to address other player requests on September 1.

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On the website Pokémon Go Hub you can also read an interesting report about this, because the authors were invited by Niantic to discuss as important members of the community with the developers about the interaction radius.

What came around, for example, is that the 80-meter radius was actually a spur-of-the-moment decision that the creators of Pokémon Go didn't expect to stay in the game for more than three or four months. Furthermore, player behavior when interacting with PokéStops or arenas has changed significantly since then. 80 meters is actually too much for the designers at Niantic, but sponsored PokéStops have no influence on this; the revenue generated in this way would be too small to have any influence on gameplay decisions anyway.

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